Better Days is grateful to generous sponsors and community partners who help us share the stories of trailblazing Utah women. By exploring the legacy of our past together, we make Utah a better place for the future.



Our UTAH Partners



Better Days 2020 partners receive:

  • Invitations to all BD2020 events, including private events with state leadership

  • Recognition in BD2020 promotional materials, including a link on our website and advertisement of your organization's specific 2020 projects

  • Monthly newsletters with updates and information to aid in your organization's own projects

  • The opportunity to request BD2020 resources to promote your organization's 2020 project, including marketing and financing

Better Days 2020 partners agree to:

  • Identify and develop specific projects within the mission of your organization that are specific to the year 2020, the sesquicentennial celebration of Utah women's first vote and the centennial of the 19th Amendment.

  • Include the BD2020 logo and link on your website and on promotional items for your projects, provided by BD2020 in our style guide

  • Describe your events (in publicity) as part of the Better Days 2020 commemoration (as described in our style guide).

  • Collaborate with BD2020 on shared goals and strategies, including co-writing grant proposals

  • Share BD2020 communications and information with your employees and audiences

Yes! We want to become a Better Days 2020 partner!